Preaching Up A Storm
(ESP 104
Elmer Sheffield, Jr.
Circle left
There was a crowd gathered down by the river
Where me and Bennie Thompson used to play
You're gonna walk around your corner lady, seesaw your own
Left allemande and weave around the ring
They were down by the river
Swing your girl and promenade
Singing peace in the valley and preaching up a storm
Heads (sides) promenade, you go about 1/2 way
Walk into the middle, do the right and left thru
You're gonna square thru 4 hands around, go
Meet the sides, touch 1/4, go
Scoot back, the boys fold, the girls turn thru
Star thru, the boys trade..twice and promenade
Singing peace in the valley and preaching up a storm
Circle left
Well, they would sing and it would rain & it was frightning
Some things are hard to understand when you are 8
You're gonna walk around your corner lady, seesaw your own
Left allemande and weave around the ring
They were down by the river
Swing your girl and promenade
Singing peace in the valley and preaching up a storm
Circle left
I was there but I could barely hear the sermon
I was scared and didn't want to get up close
You're gonna walk around your corner lady, seesaw your own
Left allemande and weave around the ring
They were down by the river
Swing your girl and promenade
Singing peace in the valley and preaching up a storm
They were preaching up a storm