Sexy Ole Lady
(ESP 107
Elmer Sheffield, Jr.
Circle to the left
Well, I want a sexy ole lady
One who knows just what to do
Left allemande that corner, walk back a dosado
Men star left around you do
Turn your partner right & you go left allemande
Swing that girl and you promenade
I don't want'a babysit
I want'a woman that just won't quit
And will love me, right out'a my mind
Head (side) 2 couples square thru, 4 hands around you go
Around the corner lady, now do a dosado
Spin chain thru, and girls circulate go twice
When you meet the boys, turn thru real nice
Left allemande that corner, walk by one
Swing the next and you promenade
She knows all the things to do
To make a man go whoo
And loves me out'a my mind
And loves me out'a my mind