I Think I'm Gonna Make It All
The Way - ESP 1182 Elmer Sheffield Jr. |
Circle left,
I cried the day you left me, and still don't know
what kept me, from jumping off the highest
bridge, I know,
Men star by the right hand, Left allemande that corner, weave the ring,
Oh, my poor heart was breaking, felt lower than a
snake in, and that's about as low as you can go,
I tried to hide my sorrow, started living for
tomorrow, now I think I'm gonna make it all the way.
Heads reverse flutter wheel, keep her and outside promenade 1/2
way, Lead out to the right, Pass the ocean, Fan the top, Swing thru, Turn
thru, Left allemande, and Promenade.
My troubles came in bunches, Kept rolling with the
punches, Now I think I'm gonna make it all the way.
Circle left,
Stopped drinking, fell down started thinking,
there's no way to live yesterday,
Men star by the right hand, Left allemande that corner, weave the ring,
I tried my best to take it, kept smiling, tried to fake it,
Meet your girl and all Promenade,
Don't blame me for trying, Oh I've stopped my crying, I think I'm gonna make it all the way.
4 men promenade inside that old ring, get back and give your gal a swing, Join up hands and circle
get walking around that track, Left allemande that corner and weave on back,
Now my heart is healing, got a real good feeling,
Meet your girl and promenade,
Now I got no sorrow, I'm living for tomorrow, and I
know I'm gonna make it all the way
Yeah, I know I'm gonna make it all the way.