Party Here Tonight - ESP 1188
by Elmer Sheffield Jr |
4 ladies chain, turn em with an arm around, Rollaway & circle left, Roll her away & circle that way,
Allemande the corner & weave the ring,
Heads promenade go 1/2 way around, walk in and square thru 4, 4 hands around and then a right & left thru,
Veer left, Couples circulate in time, 1/2 tag, scoot back, scoot back
again, Star thru & promenade.
* My wife's like a daisy, she won't work and I'm too lazy, gonna have a party here tonight.
** Well Ida Red ain't no fool, she put a saddle on a
hump back mule, gonna have a party here tonight.
4 ladies chain, turn em with an arm around, Rollaway & circle left, Roll her away & circle that way,
Allemande the corner & weave the ring,
Sides promenade go 1/2 way around, walk in and square thru 4, 4 hands around and then a right & left thru,
Veer left, Couples circulate in time, 1/2 tag, scoot back, scoot back again, Star thru & all promenade.
*Good girls walk, bad girls ride, come on bad girl by side, gonna have a party here tonight.
** Straw is cheap, and grass is free, horses eat and
why don't we, gonna have a party here tonight.
4 ladies chain, turn em with an arm around, Rollaway & circle left, Roll her away & circle that way,
Allemande the corner & weave the ring,
My 'ol gal is long and tall, sleeps in the kitchen
with her feet in the hall,
Meet your girl and promenade,
Hey you get a line & I'll get a pole, we'll go down to the crawdad hole, Honey oh babe be mine.
Honey oh babe be mine.