Way Down Deep    (ESP 0119)  Elmer Sheffield


Circle Left
This highway of heartache is rocky and rough,
and I learned a long time ago.
Left Allemande the corner, Dosado you own
Left Allemande and Weave The Ring
Way down deep inside my soul
Swing your girl around and Promenade
I can feel your love take a hold,
Way down deep in my soul.


Heads Square Thru count 'em 4 hands round
You make a Right Hand Star
The Heads Star Left, roll it one time and then
Same pair and do a Dosado
Swing Thru and then the Boys Trade
Swing the corner lady round and Promenade
I can feel your love take a hold,
Way down deep in my soul.


Grand Square
Way down deep inside my soul,
where once it was cold and dark,
I can feel your love take a hold,
way down deep in my heart.
Four Ladies Promenade one time
Swing your girl around and Promenade
I can feel your love take a hold,
Way down deep in my soul.