(ESP 124
Elmer Sheffield, Jr.
Circle to the left
Suwanne, how I love you, how I love you
My dear old Suwanne
You'll do an allemande left your corner
Turn a right hand around your own
You'll do an allemande left your corner
Then you weave around the ring
I know my mammy's waiting for me, praying for me
Swing your girl around and you promenade her
The folks up north will see me no more
When I get to that Suwanne shore
FIGURE (twice for Heads, twice for Sides)
Heads square thru and take em four hands around now
Meet the sides and make a right hand star
Heads star by the left and turn it one time around
With the same two go right and left thru
Turn the girl and you roll a way
You box the gnat, then you pull her by
Allemande new corner, swing a new girl around and promenade her
The folks up north will see me no more
When I get to that Suwanne shore