New Moon Over My Shoulder   (ESP 125 )   Elmer Sheffield, Jr.


Well, you walk around your corner lady, seesaw your own
Men star by the right around you go
Put an arm around your maid and you star promenade
The girls rollback and allemande left, then weave around the ring
You promised with a new moon
You'd be coming back to stay

Swing your girl around and promenade that way
There's a new moon over my shoulder
And an old love still in my heart


Head (side) two couples promenade 1/2 way around you go
Lead to the right and do a dosado
Swing thru tonite, let those boys run right
You bend the lind and do a right & left thru
Flutterwheel across, then sweep 1/4 more
Pass thru and swing the corner, promenade the floor
There's a new moon over my shoulder
And an old love still in my heart


And an old love still in my heart