The Fireman    (ESP 135)   Elmer Sheffield, Jr.


Sides face, grand square
Well, I'm the fireman...that's my name
I'm running around all over town, putting out old flames

Four ladies chain the ring and then you chain 'em home
You take your girl and then you promenade home
Well, I'm the fireman...that's my name


Well now the heads promenade and go halfway around you go
Lead right and do a dosado
Swing thru tonight, the boys run right
Bend the line, go right & left thru, turn that girl
Slide thru and square through go 3/4 round
Swing that corner and promenade a round
I'm the fireman...that's my name


Circle left
I got a fire engine red T-bird automobile
Why don't the men star right, go rollin' on around the ring
Left allemande and then you weave around the ring
Everybody'd love to have what I got
Swing your girl and promenade
I'm the fireman...that's my name