BLT (Patter) (ESP 428
) Tim Marriner
Figure 1
Bow to the partner, corner too. Sides do a right and left thru,
All join hands and circle right, right, right. Ladies center men
sashay to the right,
And circle right. Drop hands walk single file. Put your hands on
the shoulders of the one in front.
It’s massage time. Don’t let go. #1 man identify, start a back
track and the other follow the leader.
Go the other way round. Girls do a U Turn back. Allemande
left! Promenade home.
Figure 2
Heads pass thru, separate around 1, come down the middle, square thru 3,
Your left hand is available to left swing thru, centers run, couples
Couples hinge, center couples trade, each side wheel and deal, dixie style
to a wave,
Allemande left, promenade home.
Figure 3
Sides separate around 1, come down the middle, square thru 3, split the
Around 1 to a line, pass thru, wheel and deal, girls turn thru, slide thru
with the boys,
Couples circulate, bend the line, half sashay, square thru 2 hands, right
& left grand, promenade.
Figure 4
Heads half sashay once and a half, you four double pass thru, boys go left
girls go right,
Around 1, come down the middle, square thru 3, your left hand is available
to left swing thru,
Ends circulate, centers trade, left hinge, girls run, pass thru, tag the
line, leads separate
Allemande left and promenade home
Figure 5
Heads lead right, circle left ¾, boys walk, girls dodge, single hinge,
leaders trade, others U turn back,
Left hinge, new leaders trade, others U turn back, all 8 circulate, scoot
back, right and left grand,
Promenade home.
Figure 6
Sides touch ¼, walk and dodge, swing thru, boys run, girls trade, couples
circulate, boys run,
Split circulate, ends circulate, centers trade, leaders trade, others U turn
back, allemande left,
Right and left grand, your home.
Figure 7
Sides square thru, heads face grand square, sides separate, around 1,
Come down the middle, pass thru, separate around 1, come down the middle,
square thru 3,
Left allemande! Bow to the partner, corner too. Hold it there
that’s it we’re through!