PartyTime - ESP 456
Steve Kopman_Plus
Heads left square thru 4, Left touch ¼ & centers trade, Left swing thru, Boys only trade the wave, Right & left thru, Dixie style to a wave, Boys scoot back, Girls circulate, Left swing thru, finish like chain down the line, ½ sashay once and a half, Boys pass thru,
Single circle ¾ to a wave, Boys trade, All circulate, boys run,
Couples circulate ½, Bend the line, Home
Sides pass the ocean, All 4 boys extend to a girl, Each box scoot back,
Each box scoot back again, Hinge and centers trade, Girls scoot back, Boys trade, each wave centers trade, Girls don’t move and boys run,
California trade, Pass the ocean, All circulate, Explode star thru & centers roll, Home
Heads right and left thru, Same 4 lead left, Pass the ocean, Grand swing thru, Boys run, Each side chain down the line, Flutter wheel,
And roll, Centers trade, Centers run, Boys only bend the line,
Everybody your part ferris wheel, Boys square thru 2, Touch ¼,
Scoot back, Boys trade, Boys run, ½ tag and face your partner, Right and left grand.
Sides star right to your corner, Left touch ¼, Centers trade, Centers run, Boys bend the line, All circulate, Girls bend the line, All ferris wheel, Girls square thru 3, Girls split the boys around 1 to a line,
Touch ¼, All circulate, Hinge, Grand left swing thru, 4 Girls linear cycle, Boys hinge and the lead boys u turn back, Double pass thru,
Girls partner trade, Single circle ¾ to a wave, Boys trade,
Boys run, Couples circulate, Girls trade, Couples circulate ½,
Bend the line, Side ladies chain, Home.
Heads touch ¼, Girls touch ¼, All walk and dodge, Boys square thru 2, Girls cross fold, Single circle to a wave, Girls trade, Right and left thru but turn ¼ more, Girls hinge, Diamond circulate,
Boys swing 1 ¼, Bend the line, Turn thru and courtesy turn ¼ more,
Couples circulate ½, Bend the line, Home.
Head ladies chain ¾, Lines of 3 forward and back, Same 6 touch ¼, Girls run, Pass thru, ½ tag the line, Swing thru, Scoot back, Girls run right, Square thru 4, Right and left grand, Promenade home.
Heads pass thru, Separate around 2, Single to a wave, Girls trade,
Grand swing thru, Hinge, Skip the first part and co ordinate,
Ferris wheel, Centers left square thru 3, All square thru 3 but on 3 box the gnat, Right and left grand,
Heads square thru 2, Split the outsides around 1 to a line,
Touch ¼, All circulate, Girls run, Slide thru, Bend the line, ends load the boat, Centers single circle to a wave, And centers fan the top, all 4 boys extend to a girl, Each box circulate 1 ½, Each diamond cut the diamond, Girls circulate, while the boys trade, Girls ferris wheel, Boys square thru 3, Girls courtesy turn the boys and roll the boys a half sashay, Pass thru, Wheel and deal, Centers touch ¼, All Left allemande, Promenade home.