ESP - Marge by Bill Harrison In Memory Of My Mother |
Allemande Left, Alamo Style and Balance,
Swing Thru, Balance, Swing Thru, RLG…Your Home
HEADS..... LEFT Touch ¼, BOYS..... LEFT Touch 1/4
Walk and dodge, BOYS....Fold, GIRLS......Pass the ocean
Extend, Split circulate, BOYS....Run, Spin the top
Circulate 1-1/2, RLG
SIDES......Pass the ocean, Double pass thru, Cloverleaf
Double pass thru, Centers In, Centers Run, All 8 Circulate
Ends Fold, Zoom, Centers Square thru 3
LEFT Swing thru, Recycle, LEFT Square thru 3, RLG
HEADS Star thru, Zoom, Double pass thru
Centers In, Centers run, Cast off 3/4
All 8 Circulate, Centers Run, ENDS...... Circulate 2 1/2
CENTERS....Pass the ocean, RLG
SIDES......Touch ¼, GIRLS.....Touch 1/4
Walk and dodge, GIRLS......Fold, BOYS......Square thru 4
Touch ¼, Scoot back, Half Circulate, RLG
All The Couples Promenade ½, HEADS......Swing thru
Center..BOYS....Run, CENTERS....Tag the line....Split the outsides,
First go left, Next Go right Around One To A Line,
Forward and Back, Pass thru, Tag the line, Cloverleaf, Zoom
Double pass thru, First Couple go LEFT, Next go LEFT, Promenade Home.
SIDES....Flutter Wheel, Sweep ¼,
HEADS......Half sashay, Centers Pass Thru, Slide thru
All 8 Circulate, Cast off ¾, Centers......Cross run
Star thru, Trade by, Right and left thru, Half Sashay
Pass thru, RLG.
All 8 To Middle with a Hey Hey Hey
Bow To Partner Bow To The Corner of The Hall
Give Yourself a nice hand