Paddlin' Maddlin' Home
(ESP 523
Bob Newman, Mark Turner
Four ladies promenade you go once around that ring
Well you get back home and swing with your man
Join hands and circle go walking along
Allemande left with the corner and weave that ring
Paddlin' Maddlin home, swing your girl and promenade
Promenade home, go walking along
Paddlin' Maddlin home
FIGURE (twice heads, twice sides)
Those heads square thru in the middle 4 hands go
When you meet do a right & left thru, turn that girl
You swing thru tonight, all the boys run to the right
Do a half tag, trade and roll, look her in the eye
Slide thru, and square thru 3/4 round
Swing your corner and you promenade
Promenade home, go walking along
Paddlin' Maddlin home