Whisper Sweet Nothing's    (ESP 530)   Bob Newman


Four ladies gonna promenade go once around the ring
Well get on back and everybody swing
Join hands and circle go walkin' along
Left allemande the corner, gonna weave the ring
Wind in and out until you meet again
Swing your girl, promenade her my friend
Well promenade your darling, and as you hold her near
You whisper sweet nothin's in your baby's ear


Heads square thru in the middle, roll it you go
Meet your corner girl, do a dosado
Swing thru tonight, boy gonna run to the right
You ferris wheel, walk right in, in the middle do a right & left thru
Turn the girl and square thru go 3/4 round
Swing your corner girl and promenade her home
Promenade your darling, and as you hold her near
You whisper sweet nothin's in your baby's ear