Bubba Hyde
(ESP 533
Bob Newman
Sides face, grand square
*Barney works down at the A & P
He drives a baby blue AMC
Ain't missed a day of work in 13 years
He's a fire department volunteer
Four ladies promenade inside the ring
Go back swing and promenade I sing
You ought to see him metamorphisize
From Barney Jekyll into Bubba Hyde
FIGURE (twice for heads, twice for sides)
The heads you promenade go halfway round
Come in and square thru go four hands around
All the way and do the right & left thru
Veer to the left and ferris wheel you do
You square thru 3 hands around
Swing your corner, promenade on down
You ought to see him metamorphisize
From Barney Jekyll into Bubba Hyde
*He's got a yard that's always just been mowed
Collected stamps since he was 10 years old
You've never seen a more regular guy
But when the sun goes down on Friday night
*Slaps on his high karate after shave
Puts on his Elvis jacket custom made
Gets in his patent leather zebra boots
Fires up his super sport Malibu