Toot Toot Tootsie    (ESP 701)   Craig Rowe


Circle left
Toot toot Tootsie goodbye, toot toot Tootsie don't cry
Well left allemande the corner, come back a dosado
Allemande on your left hand and you weave around the ring
Toot toot Tootsie bye bye
Swing a little girl and you promenade
Well now kiss me and then, honey kiss me again
Toot toot Tootsie goodbye


Well those heads squrae thru and you roll it go
Out to that corner you dosado
Well now you swing thru and then let the boys run right
You do a ferris wheel move to the middle and then pass thru
You star thru and square thru go 3/4 round
Swing a little girl and you promenade
Well now kiss me and then, honey kiss me again
Toot toot Tootsie goodbye


Well 4 boys promenade in the middle of thte ring
Get on back and you swing with your girl
Now you join hands and circle to the left and go round
Allemande on your left hand and go weaving round the ring
Toot toot Tootsie bye bye
Swing a little girl and you promenade
Kiss me and then, honey kiss me again
Toot toot Tootsie, toot toot Tootsie bye bye