Gentle On My Mind
(ESP 0738) Bill Harrison
Circle Left
* It’s knowing that your door is always open
and your path is free to walk
Left Allemande that corner, Turn the partner by the right,
Allemande the corner, Weave the ring
** It’s knowing I’m not shackled by forgotten words and bonds
Swing that girl and Promenade
That keeps you on the back roads by the rivers of my memory
Ever smilin’, ever gentle on my mind.
Heads [sides] Pass the Ocean, Turn Thru
Make a Left Hand Star, Heads [sides] back to the middle,
Square Thru three hands around
Slide Thru, Square Thru 3/4 ‘round, Swing that girl
You’re moving on the back roads by the rivers of my memory
Ever smilin’, ever gentle on my mind.
Four boys Promenade and travel one time around,
Swing that girl
Join all of your hands, Circle left in a ring
Allemande Left and Weave the ring.
It’s knowing I’m not shackled by forgotten words and bonds
Swing that girl and Promenade
That keeps you on the back roads by the rivers of my memory
Ever smilin’, ever gentle on my mind.
Ever smilin’, ever gentle on my mind.
* I dip my cup of soup back from the gurglin’, cracklin’ cauldron
in some train yard.
** Through cupped hands, ‘round a tin cup, I pretend to hold you close.