Rodeo and Juliet ESP 743
Bill Harrison


Circle Left
Those two were seen in Faraona
Riding queen from Arizona
The fairest in a pair of stud blue jeans
Allemande The Corner Girl, Turn partner by the right hand whirl
Allemande and Weave the ring
Rodeo & Juliet
Swing and Promenade The Set
What’s to be or not to be
Is anybody’s bet
Rodeo & Juliet

Break Lyrics

Now Shakespeare cowboys dare to find her
Men will poem paint and rhyme her
A rose by any name is still a rose


Heads/Sides Promendae ½, Lead Right,
Right and Left Thru, Veer Left, Circulate
Chain Down The Line, Pass The Ocean
Boys Circulate, Girls Trade
Swing and Promenade
What’s to be or not to be
Is anybody’s bet
Rodeo & Juliet


Rodeo & Juliet