Tulsa Time   (Jopat 202)   Joe Porritt

OPENER - MIDDLE BREAK - CLOSER    Basic, R-H lady progression

Circle left
*I left Oklahoma, driving in a Pontiac
Just about to lose my mind

Walk out around that cornerseesaw round your taw
Men star right one time
Left allemande that corner lady
Come back and 
swing your baby, promenade her down the line
Gonna set my watch back to it
Cause you know I've been through it
Livin' on Tulsa time

*Well there I was in Hollywood
Wishing I was doing good
Talking on the telephone line
FIGURE    Mainstream, corner progression

Heads You promenade her, go 1/2 way round the ring
Sides do the right & left thru
Flutter wheel go full around there, sweep 1/4 more
Pass thrudosado, and do an eight chain four
I was going to Arizona, maybe California
Swing that corner girl and promenade
Gonna set my watch back to it
Cause you know I've been through it
Livin' on Tulsa time