Love Letters In The Sand   (Jopat 217)   Joe Porritt


All 4 ladies chain
Go straight across that ring
Rollawaycircle in the sand
4 ladies rollawaycircle left around that way
Left allemande and weave that ring
You make a vow that you would always be true
Dosado your girl and promenade her too
On a day like today, we passed the time away
Writing love letters in the sand
FIGURE    Plus, corner progression

Heads (sides) promenade, go one-half way with your maid
Sides (heads) do a one-half square thrudosado
Go full around and then
Spin chain the gears my friend
Love letters in the sand
Swing that girlpromenade
On a day like today, we passed the time away
Writing love letters in the sand

Writing love letters in the sand