El Paso   (Jopat 233)   Joe Porritt

OPENER    Basic

Circle left
Out in the west Texas town of El Paso
I fell in love with a Mexican girl

Men, you star right to Rosa's cantina
Left allemande, come home, box the gnat
4 ladies promenade inside that old ring
Back home and 
swing and promenade I sing
My love was deep for this Mexican maiden
I was in love but in vain I could tell
FIGURE    Basic, corner progression

Head (side) two will square thru 4 hands to El Paso
And with the sides go 
right & left thru
Veer left and couples circulate, move up in time
Chain down the line and you're doing fine
Star thrupass thrutrade by and swing
Promenade your corner around that old ring
My love was deep for this Mexican maiden
I was in love but in vain I could tell

Circle left
Night time would find me in Rosa's cantina
Music would play and Felina would whirl

Men, you star right to Rosa's cantina
Left allemande, come home, box the gnat
4 ladies promenade inside that old ring
Back home and 
swing and promenade I sing
My love was deep for this Mexican maiden
I was in love but in vain I could tell
CLOSER    Basic

Circle left
Blacker that night were the eyes of Felina
Wicked and evil while casting a spell

Men, you star right to Rosa's cantina
Left allemande, come home, box the gnat
4 ladies promenade inside that old ring
Back home and 
swing and promenade I sing
Great are the two loving arms that I'd die for
One little kiss and Felina goodbye