Remember Me   (Jopat 7003)   Bill Harrison


4 ladies chain and rollaway now
Circle left, go walkin' round
4 ladies rollaway and you circle
Left allemande, then weave around the ring
Remember me when the candle lights are gleaming
Swing your girl and you promenade
Would be so sweet when all alone I'm dreaming
Just to know you still remember me
FIGURE    Basic, corner progression

Heads (sides) promenade 1/2 way around now
Walk right in and square thru go 4
4 hands around then, a 
right & left thru now
Veer leftferris wheel go round the floor
Square thru go 3/4 round now
Swing that corner and you promenade
Would be so sweet when all alone I'm dreaming
Just to know you still remember me

Would be so sweet when all alone I'm dreaming
Just to know you still remember me